Aminosäuren und Überdosierung - Was sollten Sie wissen?

Amino acids and overdose - what should you know?

As the smallest building blocks of protein, amino acids have a number of indispensable tasks and functions in the human body. We have to supply the essential representatives of this group of substances with our diet every day. Our organism cannot produce them itself. Most health-conscious people are now aware that the need for protein can vary from person to person and depending on their life situation. That's why it's not just athletes who appreciate the additional supply of protein building blocks. Perhaps you have already asked yourself in this context: “ Can I do something wrong when taking amino acids?” Is there an overdose? We have put together the most important information about taking aminos for you.

Amino acids - types and requirements at a glance

When the keyword amino acid is mentioned, most people think of the protein building blocks. They serve our body primarily as a building material for all body tissues. They also contain the genetic code. There are a number of other amino acids that are not classified as proteinogenic representatives. Regardless of whether they are proteinogenic amino acids (“ protein-forming ”) or non-proteinogenic building blocks: all amino acid representatives have something in common: They are subject to constant change and transformation processes because they are not only the basis of tissue in our body, but also of
  • different messenger substances,
  • Sugar
  • and other substances.
Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit It is also important to know that there are a wide variety of connections between individual building blocks. There are multiple interactions within the entire group of substances. When it comes to additional inclusion of building blocks, we are talking about either
  1. the essential protein building blocks in their entirety or
  2. a single specific amino acid that we hope will have a positive effect on our health.
So that you can appropriately evaluate your possible requirements and dosage, we primarily differentiate between essential and non-essential aminos.

Essential and non-essential amino acids

The essential representatives occupy a special position among the proteinogenic building blocks.
  • isoleucine,
  • leucine,
  • lysine,
  • methionine,
  • phenylalanine,
  • threonine,
  • Tryptophan
  • and valine
are called essential because our organism cannot produce these protein building blocks itself. We have to supply them to the body regularly with amino acid foods . There are essential and non-essential amino acids . In between there is another group: semi-essential amino acids . Substances such as arginine are e.g. B. essential in some phases of life, not in others. The distinction between essential and non-essential building blocks says nothing about the importance of the individual building block. Every amino acid has an important function in the human organism.

The amino acid pattern

Some experts such as the American scientist Dr. Luca-Moretti consider the essential amino acids to be particularly interesting because we can utilize them particularly well. It assigns each living being a specific amino acid pattern, almost 100% of which can be absorbed by the respective organism. It also depends on how effectively the organism can utilize them. This aspect plays an important role if we want to understand how much our body needs.

Richtige Dosierung von Aminosäure

Essential amino acids daily requirement: How high is it ?

If you want to know whether you are overdosing on protein building blocks, the question of your need for these important substances is of central importance. We differentiate between two levels :
  1. How much protein do we need in total every day?
  2. What need do we have for essential building blocks?
Recommendations for daily protein intake vary. They range from 0.8 mg/kilogram body weight to 1.4-1.5 mg/kilogram body weight. Among other things, the factors have an impact
  • Stress,
  • Age,
  • sporting requirement,
  • nutritional situation and
  • diseases
possibly affecting the need for protein. When it comes to increased protein requirements, some experts tend to focus on lower values ​​rather than maximum requirements . For example, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) assumes that people aged 65 and over need 1 mg/kilogram of body weight. Other experts such as the German Institute for Sports Nutrition Bad Nauheim assume an increased requirement of 1.6 mg/kilogram body weight for athletes. There is no clear statement supported by scientific studies in this area. In some cases , additional protein intake is even viewed critically . They rely on the assumption that our protein supply can be secured at any time with a varied diet.

Essential amino acids daily requirement

There are the following recommendations for the need for essential building blocks per kilogram of body weight per day :
  • Tryptophan - 4 mg
  • Threonine - 15 mg
  • Phenylalanine - 25mg
  • Leucine - 39 mg
  • Methionine - 15 mg
  • Lysine - 30 mg
  • Isoleucine - 20 mg
  • Valine - 26 mg
  • Threonine - 15 mg
The recommendations are average values . It is therefore not possible to see how a possible increased need could affect different phases of life. This question has not yet been clearly clarified by nutritionists and doctors. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

Intake through normal diet

For the optimal dosage of amino acids, we should pay attention to the extent to which we already consume protein in our daily diet. As already described, the essential protein building blocks can be absorbed and utilized particularly well by the human body . Nevertheless, it depends on which sources we get the protein building blocks from. Not all of the foods we eat every day contain all of the essential protein building blocks. Protein from plant sources may be less usable than from animal sources. Therefore, with specific diets, such as vegans and possibly vegetarians, essential amino acids may not be consumed in sufficient quantities. This often depends on the clever combination of certain foods, so the diet must be put together very carefully.

Fluctuating needs make general statements difficult

All building blocks are subject to various transformation processes in the organism and are connected to each other in their functions. It is therefore difficult to make standardized recommendations for the intake of both total protein and individual building blocks. Scientists and nutrition experts are therefore careful with study approaches because we humans differ greatly as individuals. Usually only a certain group of people are included in a study, e.g. B. Athletes are considered, and only the effects of individual building blocks or smaller groups of building blocks are examined. The reason why requirements and supply values ​​vary is also because our eating habits differ. If you suspect an overdose, first check whether you are currently taking in all the essential building blocks or whether you are consuming individual building blocks in isolation.

Ist das Überdosieren möglich?

Find the right dose

Scientific studies usually focus on the effects of certain protein building blocks on a specific group of people, such as athletes. As a rule, specific protein building blocks are the focus of interest. For athletes, these are often branched-chain amino acids (in the English abbreviation BCAA) such as leucine, isoleucine and valine. Although the experts recognize potential positive effects on athletic performance , they have not yet decided on a dosage recommendation.

Administer individual building blocks in isolation - which dose is correct?

Even if the amino acids are taken individually, there are currently no standardized recommendations. Studies here often focus on a specific product and a health effect that is intended through the additional intake of the amino acid . For example, the semi-essential building block arginine has an important place in the body's nitrogen metabolism. Therefore, it can have an effect on various health-related levels by widening blood vessels. Effects in lowering blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, lack of potency and other areas are discussed here. Some of these effects have already been scientifically researched in individual studies . This applies, for example, to supporting erectile function for certain product combinations. However, general statements about arginine dosage or overdose cannot be made based on this study and others like it. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

Overdose - is there an absolute limit to intake?

We can look at an overdose not only in terms of requirements, but also in terms of potential side effects. The following aspects must be taken into account when it comes to amino acids:
  1. Some aminos interact with each other in a certain way.

If one of these building blocks is supplied in a high dosage, it can have an effect on its function or influence other building blocks. Let's look at the building blocks lysine and arginine. Many people carry the herpes simplex virus . Among other things, it leads to the formation of the well-known cold sores. After the virus is first absorbed into the body, it rests in the nerve cells and can be reactivated by certain varying factors. Lysine inhibits the activation of these herpes viruses. Arginine, in turn, promotes it. The two building blocks should always be in a certain balance so that no undesirable activation of herpes viruses occurs. This shows us that the isolated intake of an amino acid can also be a potential overdose.
  1. Some aminos interact with certain drugs.

For example, the amino acid tryptophan is a precursor to the messenger serotonin. Serotonin has many functions and tasks in our nervous system and also influences our mood. Medicines from the group of serotonin reuptake inhibitors are often prescribed for depression. They are intended to ensure that serotonin is broken down more slowly and is available for longer. This is said to have a positive effect on depression. If tryptophan is also added here, an excess of serotonin can occur. This may cause side effects that can also be life-threatening. In this example we also see that an overdose of a single amino acid is possible if it is not seen in the overall context . It becomes clear that it depends on the individual and their particular health requirements.
  1. All protein building blocks are subject to conversion processes.

They are metabolized. Different organs are involved in metabolism, especially the kidneys and liver. If protein and its building blocks are overdosed, these organs can be overwhelmed with metabolism . This is particularly true if the function of the liver and kidneys is already restricted by certain illnesses. Some people therefore need to be more careful than others with additional protein and amino acid intake. It is therefore best to consult your doctor to get advice that is right for you.

It depends on the product and its quality

Keeping track of when to dose correctly and when to overdose is not easy. Your requirements and the intake of building blocks vary with your diet.
  • The living conditions,
  • the special conditions of the individual and
  • the choice of food
play a role. There is therefore no standardized statement as to when a product has been overdosed. Aminosäuren Überdosierung Responsible manufacturers offer high-quality products with amino acids that
  1. which focus on supplying the essential protein building blocks and
  2. primarily based on the WHO recommendations for average requirements.
The quantities of individual products vary depending on how the individual product is formulated in detail. We recommend that you pay attention to the sources from which the aminos were obtained and which dosage form the manufacturer chooses. Our amino4u products are manufactured to the highest quality according to the specifications mentioned above. Remember that consuming a single amino acid increases the likelihood of overdosing and side effects. Especially if you have specific health restrictions, you should consult your doctor if you are concerned that you may overdose on an amino acid product.

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