Ketogene Aminosäuren in unserer Ernährung

Ketogenic amino acids in our diet

You may already know that amino acids - the smallest building blocks of proteins - have many fundamental functions in our organism. Among other things , amino acids proteins are the building materials for all body tissues. In addition, some of these building blocks are indispensable for special metabolic functions, which also have to do with the production of energy for the human organism. So what are ketogenic amino acids? Get to know the ketogenic aminos in this article. If you now think about the currently often recommended keto diet , you are already on the right track. Here we will show you the connections between this form of nutrition and various metabolic functions as well as some special protein building blocks.

Ketogenic amino acids and their functions

Aminos are classified into different categories based on different characteristics. There are some building blocks that our body produces itself and others that we get from our diet. Still others have peculiarities in the way they convert into body tissue and energy. This brief overview of the various representatives of protein building blocks : There are:
  • essential amino acids that we need to get from food.
  • non-essential amino acids that our body can produce itself.
  • semi-essential amino acids , which are taken in with the diet or partially produced by the body during certain phases of life.
  • proteinogenic amino acids , which are converted into proteins in certain biochemical processes being transformed.
  • glucogenic amino acids when processed in a metabolic pathway in which sugar plays the key role in energy production.
  • ketogenic amino acids that follow a specific pathway of metabolism is not based on the utilization of sugar for energy production.

Not all building blocks are the same

From the categorization outlined above, you can clearly see that the smallest building blocks are very different from each other. It cannot simply be said that one amino acid is more important for our body than the other. They all have important functions in the organism. Even though we have to get the essential building blocks with food, the other non-essential building blocks are just as important for smooth processes in the body. There are also inextricable interrelationships between the individual building blocks and with other nutrient groups.

Wie sind ketogene Aminosäuren aufgebaut?

Different metabolic pathways

Metabolism is constantly taking place in the human body. Food is broken down, waste materials are prepared for removal and substances are converted into other substances. The formation of energy is particularly important in this context. Energy is provided at the cellular level by the so-called mitochondria in complex biochemical processes. The liver also has a very important function in metabolism and energy production - especially in the formation of glucose. Different areas of the body require different amounts of energy. Our brain in particular is constantly hungry for energy . Primarily it needs sugar . If this is present, then it is the fuel for the brain. Only when there is a deficiency can the brain be forced to get its energy from another source and make do with less sugar. It's not easy to get your brain used to it. From the brain's perspective, this change in metabolism characterizes an emergency, a period of hunger. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

What role does sugar play in ketogenic amino acids?

You may know that sugar is one of the raw materials for physical energy. In this context, almost every person often experiences a slight low blood sugar level, in which the brain and body literally call for an intake of it. This is an unpleasant feeling of weakness and can even be a life-threatening situation for some people, such as diabetics. That's why a change in metabolism is not an easy thing, even in terms of our inner feelings. Here we are creating a hunger crisis for the body and especially the brain. When we talk about sugar here, we don't (only) mean table sugar in the form of glucose. Our brain and various other areas absolutely need glucose and require a regular and sufficient supply . But sugar is also a generic term for carbohydrates. The body processes these complex multiple sugars into simpler sugar forms. So obviously we can't get by without these substances. On the other hand, you may have heard and read recently that various types of sugar and carbohydrates in excess can harm your figure and your health. How does this all come together? How can you ensure the body's energy supply through nutrition without lots of complex carbohydrates and extra sugar? In fact, our body can learn to produce more energy from fats . Here we approach the principles of the keto diet , in which certain amino acids can also play a role. This form of diet is accompanied by a consciously changed metabolic situation.

The macronutrients and their role in energy supply

Our food consists of carbohydrates, fats and proteins . These macronutrients have different meanings and functions in the organism. Sugar is primarily used to generate energy in the cells. Energy is particularly easy to obtain from carbohydrates. This happens, among other things, in what is known as glycolysis . The aforementioned breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simpler sugar forms takes place in the body's cells. However, there are also other metabolic pathways in which energy is produced from other substances. Below, let's take a closer look at various options for producing energy in body cells.

Glycolysis - sugar in focus

In glycolysis , cells form glucose from carbohydrates . This is the most important and initially only fuel for the brain. As described, the brain is very demanding in its demand for glucose. An undersupply can quickly have a very detrimental effect on us. At least that's how we feel.

Energy from fats?

Our body can get energy from fats instead of carbohydrates. The name for this metabolism is ketosis . This forces the liver to provide energy from fats instead of sugar . To do this, it forms so-called ketone bodies from certain fatty acids. At this point we also encounter the function of ketogenic substances. How do these relate to the protein building blocks known as ketogenic ?

Ketone bodies - what are they all about?

Keto or ketone bodies are three very specific chemical compounds . They are produced by the body in a special metabolic situation. When you are hungry and there is little or no carbohydrate supply, these compounds are used to generate energy in the cells and liver. The brain and other areas of the body that rely on sugars for energy learn to use these ketone bodies as a source of energy . After a while, the brain can get by with 40 grams of glucose for energy instead of 120 grams. You can take advantage of this effect in a very specific form of low-carb diet. With the ketogenic diet, ketosis is consciously induced.

The slightly different metabolism and protein

Proteins can contribute to the formation of both glucose and ketone bodies. They also play a role in energy production. This depends on the type of building block in question. These amino acids are ketogenic:
  • Lysine
  • Leucine
Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit These building blocks belong to the group of both ketogenic and glucogenic building blocks:
  • Tyrosine
  • Phenylalanine
  • Tryptophan
  • Isoleucine
These specific aminos directly form ketone bodies, which contribute to the described ketogenic metabolism . In addition, the ketone bodies formed by the ketogenic protein building blocks can be converted into other ketone bodies or fatty acids. This is made possible, among other things, in the so-called citrate cycle . This brings together the breakdown products from the various metabolic processes of fats, carbohydrates and proteins for further processing. Important for you: Ketogenic amino acids can support a ketogenic diet. All of the representatives mentioned, with the exception of tyrosine, are essential building blocks and must therefore be supplied with food.

Proteins and their building blocks in general in the diet

The need for protein varies from person to person. Factors at work here include:
  • age
  • health status
  • body weight
a. It is often controversially discussed whether our typical Western eating habits tend to oversupply us with protein. However, vegans and sometimes vegetarians in particular are not always adequately supplied with all, especially essential, building blocks. Animal foods often form the human amino acid pattern with all essential representatives, while plant foods do not always contain all the building blocks in an ideally usable ratio to each other. Here, intelligent combinations of foods must be formed in order to create an ideal supply situation with protein and to create an ideal amino acid complex . After all, in everyday life we ​​are not always able to put together our diet so that we are optimally supplied with all amino acids. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit Maybe you are one of those people who would like to lose weight, but have so far had little success with their efforts and possible forms of diets. Sometimes you have even had the experience that the pointer on the scale continued to climb after dieting due to the so-called yo-yo effect. What do proteins have to do with it? Especially on a reduction diet, you must never neglect adequate protein intake. If there are bottlenecks in the protein supply due to reduced food intake, your organism uses its own protein in the muscles. But muscles are the areas in the organism through which you burn energy. If muscle mass breaks down, you burn less energy and consume fewer calories, especially at rest. This is the basis for the yo-yo effect. After a reduction diet, your calorie needs are lower than before. You will continue to gain weight if you increase your calorie intake again after completing a nutritional program.

Have an effect on body weight and figure with proteins?

In view of the described yo-yo effect, protein and aminos always play a key role in your dieting efforts. That's why you should make sure you have a good supply of high-quality proteins . Nutritional supplements, for example with the essential building blocks, can also be helpful here. If you also supply yourself with essential protein building blocks when dieting, you will also be consuming enough ketogenic building blocks. Especially if you want to achieve weight loss through ketosis, these support your efforts ideally. Each amino acid from this group in turn forms ketone bodies, which can support the alternative form of energy production apart from carbohydrates. According to the current state of nutritional discussion, fewer carbohydrates mean weight loss for many people. There is no end in sight to scientific research here, and many hypotheses have not yet been sufficiently proven. Even if you don't follow a stringent low-carb program, the increased formation of ketone bodies via one or another ketogenic amino acid can fuel your entire metabolism.

Gesund mit Aminosäuren

Adequate protein supply can be very beneficial

As a building material of body tissue and the engine of many metabolic processes, protein is an indispensable part of your diet. It is precisely ketogenic amino acids that are metabolically active. You shouldn't miss out on this opportunity to influence your metabolism. With the essential aminos you also absorb these effective supporters of your good figure. In a ketogenic, low-carb diet, the importance of these protein building blocks is even greater because they can further promote the crucial metabolic situation through the formation of ketone bodies. That's why we at amino4u have decided on a compilation of all eight essential amino acids . Keto is currently trending. However, even outside of the trend, with these specific aminos and a good overall protein intake, you can consciously use certain processes in your body to benefit your health.

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