Aminosäuren Muskelaufbau - was sollten Sie wissen?

Amino acids to build muscle - what should you know?

There are around 270 to 280 different amino acids. Exactly 20 of them form the proteins in the human body and that is why they also play a key role in building muscle. You can read about how amino acids help build muscle and physical activity and which amino acids are essential for building muscle in our article. However, only the essential amino acid variants are indispensable for the human body. You can only absorb these through food, as our body does not produce these organic compounds itself. The so-called semi-essential acids have a special position here. A small proportion of them are produced by the body, but must also be consumed through food. Every essential and semi-essential variant can play an important role, especially in sports and muscle building or muscle training. They support faster and improved muscle building and the increase in muscle mass. Some studies have already examined certain effects on muscle building and performance. Substances of this type occur both naturally in certain foods and in the form of nutritional supplements. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

Simply explained - these are amino acids

Amino acids are vital building blocks for the human body. They represent the basic structure of all proteins. In contrast to carbohydrates and fats, amino acids also contain nitrogen (N) and can form tissue. For example:
  • organs
  • skin
  • Hair
  • Muscles
In addition to their function as a basic building block for proteins, they also serve as hormones. In addition, acids of this type form the precursors of neurotransmitters and enzymes that are important for a large number of different metabolic processes. Proteinogenic amino acids , the protein-forming compounds, fulfill a special function. The body produces more than 50,000 different proteins from a total of 20 proteinogenic amino acids . We should differentiate between the non-essential and the essential acid variants. While our body does not produce the essential variants itself, non-essential amino acids are produced in the body itself.

The functions of amino acids

Vorteile von Aminosäuren
The human body copes with a multitude of structural and remodeling processes every second. These include, among others:
  • the functionality of the organs,
  • the formation and strengthening of bones,
  • the building of muscles,
  • the elasticity of the skin and
  • strengthening the immune system.
Your body needs amino acids as the basic building blocks for these processes. The body's own proteins are made from a total of 20 amino acids. Of these 20, exactly 8 are essential amino acids. You have to get these through food. The other 12 amino acids that are essential for survival are formed from the 8 essential ones themselves. It is important that they are available to the body in sufficient quantities. Amino4u is composed of these 8 essential amino acids. The highly pure composition and the optimal ratio of amino4u enables these construction and conversion processes to run smoothly and continuously. Convince yourself of the versatile benefits that amino acids have for your body! Use the code neu30 to benefit from a 30% discount on your first purchase at amino4u!

Which amino acids promote muscle building?

There are a total of eight essential amino acids , which we would like to introduce to you below. Doctors emphasize that people should ensure an adequate intake of these special acids. Because each of these acids reveals effects that help you stay fit, both physically and mentally. The following amino acids are said to have the following effects and effects:

1. Leucine

Due to its structural characteristics, leucine is one of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA for “ branched-chain amino acids ”). This essential amino acid is crucially involved in building and maintaining muscle protein. Leucine plays an important role in the provision of energy in the muscle and therefore also in the corresponding healing processes in muscle injuries. It also promotes the increase in muscle mass . You can find leucine primarily in salmon, chicken breast, eggs, peas, whole wheat flour and walnuts.

2. Isoleucine

Like leucine, isoleucine is one of the BCAAs that support targeted muscle building and the increase in muscle mass. On the one hand, it serves as a valuable energy supplier and as an important component in the formation of new glucose (here: gluconeogenesis ). On the other hand, isoleucine also takes part in the hormone regulation of our organism and activates the growth hormone somatotropin (STH) . This is a growth hormone that is responsible for linear growth during puberty and for the good utilization of amino acids in muscles, bones and liver. The hormone also stimulates fat loss. This is also an important point for strength training and fitness . Very important for strength athletes who want to gain muscle mass: Isoleucine stimulates the release of insulin , which means that amino acids and glucose reach the muscle cells better. By absorbing isoleucine, wounds, among other things, heal more easily. A targeted intake or supply of BCAA could show results in diseases such as schizophrenia, liver cirrhosis and the hereditary metabolic disorder phenylketonuria. If, on the other hand, you have a deficiency of isoleucine, this can sometimes lead to listlessness and muscle weakness or a loss of muscle mass. Meat, fish products, legumes and nuts are particularly rich in this special amino acid. These groups have an increased need for isoleucine:
  1. Endurance and strength athletes who complete an intensive muscle training and fitness program.
  2. People who are exposed to high physical stress.
  3. People who have clinical pictures with an additional need for branched-chain amino acid variants.
Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

3. Valine

Like isoleucine and leucine, valine is a branched-chain acid compound and provides a particularly large amount of energy for the muscle cells. In addition, this essential amino acid sends messenger substances that are important for the nervous system. Valine not only plays a supporting role in building protein, but also stimulates insulin release and ensures that the other amino acids are quickly absorbed by the liver and muscles. Valine is also involved in the release of somatotropin (STH). If, on the other hand, there is a deficiency of valine , this can occur
  • hypersensitivity to touch stimuli,
  • growth disorders,
  • cause painful cramps.
In many cases, muscle mass decreases and movement problems arise. Foods such as poultry, grains, legumes, eggs, salmon, walnuts, cheese and beef in particular have a very high valine content.

4. Phenylalanine

Phenylalanine is a component of peptides and proteins, but at the same time is also important for the construction of proteins and various hormones such as adrenaline, the happiness hormone dopamine and norepinephrine. Phenylalanine also acts as a precursor to the amino acid tyrosine and, according to scientific findings, is able to improve your performance during periods of stress. You can get phenylalanine by eating poultry, pork, salmon, soybeans, peas, pumpkin seeds and eggs.

5. Lysine

Lysine helps to ensure the preservation of connective and muscle tissue. It is also required - together with methionine - for the synthesis of carnitine, which is important for fat metabolism. Vegans in particular are advised to ensure they consume sufficient lysine. The majority of plant-based foods are low in lysine. Aminosäuren sind Protein-Bausteine Only legumes such as lentils, peas and soy are comparatively rich in this amino acid. In addition to these, salmon, chicken breast, tofu, pumpkin seeds, beech wheat flour, chicken eggs and walnuts also contain plenty of lysine.

6. Threonine

This amino acid is involved in isoleucine and vitamin B12 biosynthesis. Threonine, for example, is often found in the collagen of connective tissue. These collagens are important substances in tendons, ligaments, teeth and bones. Glycoproteins such as mucins are also rich in threonine. In addition, the amino acid is an essential building block of the important antibodies . If you don't consume enough threonine over a long period of time, this often results in fatigue and tiredness. This makes effective muscle training difficult, for example. Foods containing threonine include beef, chicken breast fillet, salmon, chicken eggs, peas, walnuts and whole wheat flour.

7. Tryptophan

Tryptophan is said to have a mood-enhancing effect. This is due to its function as a precursor to serotonin molecules. If you don't consume enough tryptophan in your diet, your body will not produce serotonin. Serotonin can be described as a kind of “ feel-good hormone ” that ensures a good mood and balance. You can get tryptophan naturally by eating soybeans, peas, chicken breasts, cashews, and unsweetened cocoa powder.

8. Methionine

The active ingredient methionine is one of the sulfur-containing amino acids. Methionine is therefore an important building block for proteins and also important for numerous body processes. Studies show that methionine excretes fatty substances and thereby prevents blockages in the arteries. After long-term muscle injuries and also in the regeneration phase after resistance training, our need for methionine is particularly high. A deficiency of methionine can lead to skin and hair growth disorders, fatty liver disease and other metabolic disorders.

Another type: Semi-essential amino acids & muscle building

In addition to the essential and non-essential variants, there is another type: semi-essential amino acids . As the name suggests, the body only produces some of this acid. But since that is not enough, we have to supplement these semi-essential variants with food or supplements. L-arginine and histidine are particularly important for athletes, strength athletes and for building muscle mass.

Starke Muskeln durch Nahrungsergänzung

Amino acids muscle building: L-arginine for muscle mass

Since L-arginine specifically expands our blood vessels, athletes like to use the acid as a pre-workout booster and pump supplement for fitness and muscle building. This improves blood circulation, which then also increases oxygen and nutrient transport in the muscle. In this way, you can increase your performance and muscle strength when exercising or building muscle. Various studies confirm this. As part of such a study, doctors administered three grams of arginine per day to athletes for three weeks. The result was that the athletes achieved an eight percent increase in performance . L-arginine also plays an important role in building muscle. Here the amino acid supports the release of growth hormones such as glucagon or prolactin. This leads to improved and faster muscle building. Arginine is also an important factor in the biosynthesis of creatine, which ensures improved energy supply to the muscles and increased muscle growth .

At a glance - the most important features of L-arginine:

  • increased insulin sensitivity
  • vasodilating effect
  • improved blood circulation
  • improved nutrient and oxygen transport to the muscle

Histidine ensures the bioavailability of zinc

Histidine has a special molecular structure that binds zinc or iron and makes it usable for the human body. Histidine, together with zinc, forms the so-called histidine-zinc complex , which ensures the bioavailability of zinc. Zinc is particularly important for various metabolic processes in the muscles. It also functions as an important functional component of the muscle pigment myoglobin. Histidine has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and protects your immune system. It also controls growth and the body's own repair mechanisms. If you have too little histidine in your body, inflammatory skin changes and delayed wound healing after operations can occur.

Amino acids to build muscle: specialist literature confirms the effect of BCAAs

In principle, branched-chain amino acids in particular seem suitable for promoting muscle building and supporting the increase in muscle mass. Even if the specialist literature puts into words what scientific results show, not all amino acid preparations can keep the promises they make. It is therefore important that you look closely at amino acid supplementation and decide for yourself which product can support you in your project. For example, we at amino4u offer a combination of all eight essential amino acids in our amino acid complex .

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