Welches Krafttraining bei Osteoporose? Wie Sie Ihre Knochen gezielt stärken

Which strength training for osteoporosis? How to specifically strengthen your bones

Your body follows a principle that is as simple as it is challenging: “ Use it or lose it ”. No matter whether it is about the mobility of the joints, the maintenance of muscle mass or the healthy structure of the bones. The human body depends on you to continually support it through diet and exercise. Degenerative processes increase significantly, especially as we age.

Particularly noteworthy are:

  • Joint arthrosis : Loss of the protective cartilage tissue in the joint
  • Muscular atrophy : decrease in muscle mass from the age of 30
  • Osteoporosis : Loss of bone density and bone tissue becoming porous

In the following article we will tell you what you can do now to stay healthy and mobile into old age and how strength training can support you .

Bleiben Sie im Alter aktiv und fit

Osteoporosis is a widespread disease – women are particularly at risk

According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) , osteoporosis is one of the ten most common diseases worldwide and is on the way to becoming a widespread disease due to demographic developments. In Germany, this already affects over six million people and the number is increasing, especially in old age.

Women are affected significantly more often. In the age group of those aged 65 and over it is up to 24% (for men, however, it is only 5.6%). Less than a quarter of all cases are diagnosed early and treated specifically. The gradual loss of bone density , with a loss of up to 10%, is accompanied by a significant increase in the risk of a bone fracture (fragility fracture).

In the case of a vertebral body fracture, the risk doubles, and in the case of a femoral neck fracture, the risk even increases fivefold.

The right load for your strength training for osteoporosis

Your body adapts perfectly to your needs. " Dismantle what is not needed, reinforce and build up what is needed ." In the context of healthy bone metabolism, the most important thing when choosing sporting activities is the correct level of stress on your bones.

Swimming and cycling are therefore less suitable than, for example, a Sunday walk (as an improvement, the variant: Nordic walking), simply climbing the stairs, or going for a walk with the dog.

In general, it is advisable to spend as much time in the air as possible . Prolonged time outdoors offers you the advantage of direct exposure of the skin to the sun, which results in higher vitamin D levels in the blood. Vitamin D plays an essential role in the body, among other things, in muscle maintenance and bone metabolism.

You can find out more about the benefits of vitamin D and how you can ensure a good basic supply, especially in old age, further down in the article. Below we would like to give you a few small suggestions for bone and muscle strengthening strength training .

Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

Which strength training for osteoporosis? 2 exercises for the studio

Depending on the stage, you should carefully adjust the osteoporosis training to your own needs and stress limits and, if necessary, coordinate it with a doctor or physiotherapist. In some cases it can make sense to first get a clear picture of the condition of your own bone tissue using x-rays. You can then discuss further steps.

It is in the nature of things that people who suffer from osteoporosis often have a long period of inactivity. In the beginning, it is important to have a less intensive build-up training that only gradually increases later. This shouldn't challenge you too much. Incorporate it into your everyday activities (walks, climbing stairs, etc.).

Take the time to get a feel for your body's signals.

The following simple strength exercises serve as inspiration on the way to your individual training plan. Building muscle and putting the right load on your bones are the focus here. The first two are standard equipment like you would find in a physical therapy practice or gym.

It could be interesting to use so-called Smart Gym applications. These are computer-assisted and adapt to your personal needs, which can greatly reduce the risk of incorrect loading and accidents. Especially in the beginning, you should avoid using free weights such as dumbbells until you have gained a bit of experience.

Strength training osteoporosis exercises: leg press

Place your feet hip-width apart on the shelf with your toes pointing slightly outwards. Take a deep breath and then press the weight forward as you exhale.

The movement should only be carried out to such an extent that the legs are not completely straight, but are still slightly bent before the exercise is slowly and carefully returned to the starting position (90 degree angle). Here you breathe in deeply and in a controlled manner.

Repeat this process for 3 sets of 10-14 reps. Rest for about 1 minute between sets and remember to drink enough water if necessary.

Strength training osteoporosis exercises: shoulder press

As with the leg press, training on the shoulder press can be carried out even by beginners. Sit upright and very close to the backrest and keep your head straight.

This exercise primarily strains the shoulder muscles and the triceps. In general, you also strengthen and stabilize your core and abdominal muscles very effectively.

As with any exercise, take a deep breath beforehand and then carry out the movement slowly and in a controlled upward direction without momentum. Breathe out evenly. It is important that you do not push your shoulders up. Here, too, the movement is not carried out to the point of extension and tension is maintained in the muscles throughout the entire movement .

Repeat this process for 3 sets of 10-14 repetitions each.

Osteoporosis strength training: 2 exercises to do at home

The following exercises might be of interest to you at home. You do not need heavy equipment and use your own body weight and a Theraband. An exercise mat is also recommended for comfort and stability.

  • With a Theraband

    Position yourself as upright as possible and place one foot on the band. Then use both hands to bring it to appropriate tension at both ends. Take a deep, calm breath and then pull the band from the bottom left to the top right. During this movement, you breathe out evenly, open your chest and pull your shoulder blades back.

    Repeat this exercise 8-10 times and then switch sides. Do a total of 3 such sets.
  • Own weight: quadruped

    Get into position on all fours on your exercise mat. Make sure your hands are placed under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. The gaze is directed downwards. Breathe in slowly and deeply. As you exhale, one arm and the opposite leg are extended. With the next inhalation, slowly and controlledly bring your arm and leg back to the starting position. Repeat each side 6-8, performing 3 sets total.

Whether in the studio under supervision (on the device) or at home on your own, if done correctly you will benefit from numerous other positive effects, such as: B. improved posture, increased mobility and balance , as well as an overall better body feeling.

From research on mindfulness , we know how far-reaching this can have a positive impact on your general mental health.

Ernährung und Bewegung bei Osteoporose

The right nutrition for your bones

In order for strength training to fully develop its effect on healthy bone metabolism , it is important to provide your body with a sufficient diet rich in calcium and protein. You can find a particularly high calcium content (< 500 mg / 100 g) in poppy seeds and sesame, for example. Almonds, hazelnuts or Brazil nuts also offer good quantities, along with green leafy vegetables such as rocket, spinach or kale.

When it comes to protein content, you will particularly find it in legumes such as peas, beans and lentils. Lentils, for example, contain around nine grams of protein per 100 grams and are excellent in salads, soups, or together with coconut milk in curries.

High-quality proteins can promote bone health

When supplying the body with proteins, it depends on the biological value, i.e. the proportion of the so-called essential amino acids (i.e. indispensable ones), some of which the body cannot produce itself. They are the building blocks that make up proteins and, together with an active lifestyle, are essential for healthy muscle building , which also slows down age-related loss .

For example, although legumes have a high proportion of the important amino acid lysine , they lack methionine. The content of essential amino acids in soybeans is still slightly higher, but in order to ensure complete coverage of all important amino acids , it can make sense to support your body with high-quality muscle building products , especially as you get older.

By stimulating metabolic processes in the body, fat can be burned more effectively, muscle growth can be stimulated and weight can be reduced in a healthy and sustainable way. See also: Nutrition plan to build muscle .

Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

The sunshine vitamin D supports your body in several ways

By vitamin D we refer to a group of fat-soluble vitamins called calciferols. The most important forms include vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). It supports the absorption of calcium via the small intestine and is therefore crucial in maintaining and/or (re)building bone density .

In addition, vitamin D is actively involved in various metabolic processes in the body and in the formation of proteins. Current observational studies even attempt to establish a link between vitamin D saturation in the body and the prevention of high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular and cancer diseases. However, at this point in time, no sufficiently confirmed findings for causality could be provided.

In principle, vitamin D cannot be produced by the body on its own and the ability to produce it through contact with sun rays (around 80% to 90% of the requirement when staying outdoors regularly) decreases with advancing age. It can therefore make sense to supplement vitamin D with special preparations .

You should ensure that the dosage recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) are not exceeded. An estimated value of 20 µg vitamin D per day is given for adults of all ages. This corresponds to 800 international units.

Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

Strength training for osteoporosis: conclusion

Our body works according to a very simple incentive principle. He always supports you in dealing with the challenges that you regularly encounter in your life. So far so good. Unfortunately, this also means that what you do not identify as necessary for your body through regular activity will gradually be broken down, with far-reaching consequences for your health and quality of life.

However, when successfully integrated into your own everyday life and through amino acids, exercise and the right diet, the processes that are responsible for osteoporosis can be effectively counteracted.

The selection of possible activities is large, quite varied and can be optimized for all ages and health conditions. By supporting your bone health, you can also get in better shape and lose weight with strength training . You kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

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