Unterstützen Sie Ihre Wechseljahre mit Aminosäuren

Amino acids during menopause - relieve menopausal symptoms

When it comes to female transition, almost every woman affected can report the changes and symptoms of this phase of life. Maybe you are already before, in or after menopause. Typical symptoms such as hot flashes, nervousness and sleep disorders could be causing you problems now. If you don't want to deal with your menopausal symptoms with hormone treatments full of side effects , you're probably looking for alternative ways to deal with this special phase of your life in the most natural way possible. In this article we will show you how amino acids can play a positive role during menopause.

What does the change mean for women?

The female transition includes three very different phases in which the woman's organism changes. The changes can occur as early as the late thirties in some cases. Most women begin transitioning in their 40s and complete the entire process of change in their late 50s or 60s. Central to the change is that the production of eggs in the female organism is gradually stopped. Once menopause is reached, eggs are no longer produced, the woman no longer experiences menstruation and the production of various female hormones has also stopped. Pregnancy is no longer possible. The entire change process is therefore divided into:
  1. a phase before menopause,
  2. a real transition phase and
  3. the period after menopause.
All three phases are characterized by very different developments and can be experienced differently by women. Not all women associate the entire process of transition with discomfort. Menopause is not a disease, but a natural change process in our body. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

What changes in our body?

It's all about hormonal changes. The woman's fertile phase is characterized by an interaction between various female hormones, in which estrogen plays a key role. Hormones such as gestagens also control a woman's monthly cycle. Estrogen is of great importance for the female organism because this hormone not only regulates the female cycle. According to current scientific findings, it controls many small processes, for example in the skin, in the woman's circulatory system and in many other areas. Estrogen also has a lot to do with the stability of bones. If the female organism gradually stops producing estrogen with the change, many of the protective effects of this hormone no longer apply. In this context, the woman's organism becomes more susceptible to disorders and aging processes. The loss of skin elasticity, the formation of wrinkles, the tendency to osteoporosis and changes in the circulatory system are also related to the loss of estrogen. The processes involved take years, so the changes occur gradually and are not immediately recognized by the women. However, there are typical symptoms that concern many women during the menopause. Beschwerdebilder Frau während der Wechseljahre

Typical symptoms of menopause

We associate with the years of change, among other things
  • hot flashes,
  • Nervousness,
  • Sleep disorders,
  • pain of unclear origin,
  • tiredness and exhaustion,
  • Lack of motivation
  • and a often intense change in mood.
The complaints are often diffuse and are described and evaluated individually. Some doctors even deny that menopausal symptoms exist. They believe that the expectations of the women concerned play a key role. Especially since some cultures - especially in Asia - do not recognize the classic menopausal symptoms we know in this form. This could be due, among other things, to the diet in these societies. However, many questions remain unanswered and this theory has yet to be scientifically confirmed. The fact is that many women complain about physical and psychological impairments before, during and after menopause. Maybe you too currently feel restricted in your everyday life and your quality of life. In the past, gynecologists often recommended hormone preparations. Hormone replacement therapy has long been widely used. This was true until synthetic hormones were associated with the occurrence of various hormonally linked cancers, particularly breast cancer. Since then, hormone replacement therapy has only been used to a very limited extent and under strict medical supervision.

What are the consequences of the changes?

Menopausal symptoms can be stressful and affect everyday life for years. Some women feel abandoned by conventional medicine and their doctors - they feel that their complaints are not taken seriously. This feeling leads to further stress that is associated with the change. When we talk about menopause and the changes associated with it, we are not just talking about classic menopausal symptoms. The hormonal changes with the loss of estrogen have a physiological effect in various areas of the female organism:
  • The skin gradually loses its elasticity and its ability to retain moisture.
  • The conditions in the circulatory system change. Under certain circumstances, there may be an increase in blood pressure. In this context, estrogen is said to have a protective effect on the heart. If the hormone is no longer present, the risk of heart attacks or strokes can also increase due to the increase in blood pressure.
  • The situation in the blood vessels can change; in some women the risk of vascular deposits increases.
  • The stability of the bones can decrease, and a tendency to osteoporosis - a disease that leads to softening of the bones - is found in many women after menopause.
  • Some women experience hair loss and/or hair thinning.
  • Most women struggle with a slowed metabolism and the resulting increase in body weight.
Experts and doctors do not agree on whether these changes represent normal aging processes or are associated with the specific conditions of the female organism and the changes that occur during the transition. But it is a fact that we or our partners feel and go through these changes.

Change for men?

Even though we talk about this topic less and hardly hear about it, men also go through various hormonal changes to a certain extent throughout their lives. Menopause bei Männern The production of the male hormone testosterone, which is important for men, is usually not completely stopped. However, hormone fluctuations can also occur here. These in turn can influence various physical and psychological areas of the male organism. Men experience various processes that are often generally associated with aging, but can also have something to do with male transition. They also complain about weight gain or lack of motivation in the phase of life between 40 and 60 years.

How can you support your menopause with amino acids?

Conventional medicine offers us hardly any alternatives to deal with menopause problems gently, gently and in a relatively natural way. Hormone replacement therapy is associated with dangerous side effects . This is why most women struggle with hot flashes or sleep disorders without medical support. Consuming amino acids for insomnia can improve your sleep quality. Conventional medicines such as sleeping pills are only used symptomatically. However, they are not a long-term alternative and can make our condition even worse due to side effects. Naturopathy offers various solutions such as phytoestrogens (herbal estrogens) to help you survive the change better and happier. Naturopathic remedies often have a very individual effect and take a long time to show an effect. Their long-term effects are also partly controversial. Maybe you have already tried one or two options yourself and are not yet satisfied. That's why you continue to look for simple alternatives that can provide your body with the highest level of support during this time. Scientists have discovered amino acids as a possible natural alternative to better deal with alternating changes.

Amino acids for women

Amino acids or aminos are small protein building blocks that can be converted into the body's own proteins in the human organism. In any case, this applies to around 20 substances from this substance group, which includes over 250 different substances. 20 so-called proteinogenic amino acids serve as building materials for the body's own proteins. 8 of them must be supplied through diet and are contained in our product amino4u . They cannot be formed by the human organism from other substances. We therefore call them essential. Amino acids are not just building materials, but can also fulfill various other functions in our organism . For example, amino acids can have a positive effect on wrinkles because the building blocks are actively involved in the process of cell regeneration. Looking at aminos in the context of menopause is a relatively recent development. Nevertheless, it may be worthwhile to take a closer look at one or another amino acid. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit

Arginine, lysine, methionine and L-tryptophan: amino acids menopause

So far there are 4 aminos that have aroused the interest of doctors and scientists in the context of menopause.
  1. L-Arginine: Effects on women
L-Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid . This means that it is indispensable for the human organism in certain phases of life. In this case, this particularly applies to young people. Hypertension patients and people prone to high cholesterol may have heard of arginine. This amino acid can dilate blood vessels. It is said to be able to reduce elevated blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels. It would therefore be possible to lower cholesterol in the body with amino acids . According to recent medical findings, hot flashes during menopause probably also have something to do with the regulation of blood vessel size. That's why some doctors no longer see hot flashes during this time as relatively harmless symptoms of hormonal changes. Therefore, the supply of L -arginine can support the effect in women and reduce the dilation of the vessels. They associate it with the so-called “ endothelial dysfunction .” This is a dysfunction of the cardiovascular system , which is accompanied by a disturbed regulation of the width of the blood vessels. It is probably due to a lack of nitrogen oxide. Arginine is converted into a messenger substance in the human organism, which in a further step stimulates nitrogen production. Studies have shown that arginine can relieve hot flashes, which are unpleasant for women.
  1. Lysine
The essential lysine promotes the uptake of arginine into the cells when both protein building blocks are absorbed in a balanced proportion to one another. Then both protein building blocks work well together. Lysine is also said to strengthen the bone structure . It is said to promote the absorption of calcium into bones and teeth. Since female bones usually become more unstable due to the lack of estrogen production during menopause, lysine in combination with other substances could help prevent bone softening.
  1. Methionine
The amino acid methionine, which is also essential, forms the vitamin-like substance carnitine together with lysine. If you want to lose weight with amino acids , carnitine plays an important role. Since it supports energy metabolism and promotes fat burning, it could possibly also have an effect on the weight gain that is common in many women during menopause. We can find evidence of such an effect in a clinical study from 2013, for example. Aminosäuren zur Unterstützung Ihrer Gesundheit
  1. Tryptophan
Some women complain of mood swings around menopause. We attribute this to the associated hormonal changes. Some women may also develop forms of depression during this time. The human mood is directly linked to various messenger substances in the brain. This particularly includes serotonin. Serotonin is formed from the amino acid tryptophan. Serotonin is one of the messenger substances that promote a balanced mood. It's not just about your mood, but also about getting good sleep and avoiding nervousness. An additional intake of tryptophan could therefore help you with mood swings during your menopause.

For men: testosterone formation through BCAA?

For example, as a man, you can benefit from taking branched-chain amino acids. It is said to support the production of the sex hormone testosterone. These acids - in the abbreviation BCAA for " Branched-Chain Amino Acids " - have a branched structure. These are leucine, isoleucine and valine. BCAAs are valued by athletes because, among other things, they are said to help maintain muscles and can also promote muscle building in old age . BCAAs are also believed to promote testosterone production , although this assumption has not yet been clearly scientifically proven. The branched-chain amino acids are associated with the theory of the amino acid pattern MAP (“ Master Aminoacid Pattern ”). Some scientists believe that every living thing is shaped by a specific “ pattern of protein building blocks .” This MAP is a combination of different protein building blocks, which are particularly effectively converted into the body's own proteins. For the human organism, the essential protein building blocks are supposed to shape the amino acid pattern. Almost 100 percent of them are converted into the body's own protein.

Gemeinsam gut durch den Alterungsprozess gehen

Regular aging process or menopause?

How typical aging processes in women's bodies and the changes during menopause are related is still being researched. Since the female organism is intensively influenced by estrogen during its fertile phase, the lack of this hormone could trigger female aging . This is also associated with the typical changes to the skin and hair, such as wrinkles, hair thinning and, in some women, hair loss. Hair loss can also occur if the male hormone testosterone is present more frequently in your female body than the hormone estrogen. The essential protein building blocks are the building materials of our body's own proteins. A sufficient supply of these aminos is therefore important so that your body constantly has enough protein available for building and repair processes. Due to cell regeneration , amino acids can be helpful and supportive against hair loss . Some of the body's remodeling and repair processes appear to slow down with increasing age. The need for building materials and high-quality protein is increasing at the same time because degenerative processes are increasing. Important for you: A good supply of protein seems to become more important as you get older and therefore also during the menopause. Research suggests this. The essential proteins are particularly important. They must be regularly available to the body in certain proportions and, above all, all at the same time. Only then can it be guaranteed that your body does not break down any of its own substances without replacement. This reduction is often demonstrated with strict calorie-reduced diets. Muscle loss can occur here if we don't consume enough protein.

Proteins in the diet

The weight gain associated with menopause can also put a strain on us. We notice a slowdown in overall metabolic processes. Some nutrition experts suspect that weight gain is linked, among other things, to a diet high in " bad " carbohydrates. Carbohydrates with intense blood sugar release can lead to the conversion of sugar into fat. The fat is stored in the liver. The organ changes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can form. The extent to which proteins can help protect your liver health is still being studied. The liver needs proteins and protein building blocks to carry out the various conversion processes in which many harmful metabolic products are rendered harmless. An overworked liver also tires us out. A sufficient supply of protein building blocks can help you maintain your performance during menopause. The essential aminos in the normal diet are not necessarily in a form that your body can easily utilize. Buying a high-quality dietary supplement with the valuable essential amino acids can be an interesting supplement for you - not just during the transition.

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